HOW TO PRODUCE POUNDED YAM FLOUR (POUNDO-YAM): In this tutorial you will learn how to make poundo yam flour itself at home. A lot of people love pounded yam but don't like the stress of pounding yam. Worry no more dear, with this tutorial you will be able to produce your own pounded yam flour. With this yam flour, you will be able to eat pounded yam whenever you want to. You can even produce this yam flour, package it well and start selling. A lot of people love Pounded yam and POUNDO-YAM. 

HOW TO PRODUCE POUNDED YAM FLOUR (POUNDO-YAM). To do this, you will need  Yam or Cocoyam Tubers. Now, the first step is to Peel the Skin and make sure you rinse them with clean Water.

Now, Put them inside Pot and Parboil. The next step is that When they are well cooked, you can Pound them or Cut them small ( in Chips).

Then Spread them on flat Tray and Dry thoroughly, you can also use Drying Machine if you have.

When you notice that they are well dried, Grind them with big Grinding Machine.

If you know you want the Flour to be sticky, you can add little quantity of Cassava Flour, but you can leave it undiluted if you want to make it natural.

After the Grinding, anytime you want to eat, you can prepare it like Yam Flour (Elubo) or Semovita.

So easy right? Yes!

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