Sure way to have pink lips

 Get that Pink Lips with just  10 naira. Surprised right? It is possible! I want to show you how to have pink lips by just buying this 10 naira thing in your area. I will also show you how to use it.

I am sure you are reading this post because you want to know what it is. 

Well, what you need is   SUGAR. Yes! 

Sugar and olive oil are natural ways to get your lips pink in no time.

A lot of people already have olive oil at home. Some already have sugar. If you already have sugar and Olive oil at home then you don't need to buy anything.

Olive oil provides moisture to the lips, while the sugar serves as a scrub to wash away the dead skins and make your lips glow pink.

All you need to do is to

mix the sugar with an olive oil, you can use your finger or a gentle brush to scrub gently on your lips for about 10 – 20 minutes. When you must have done this, you can now gently massage  your lips and rinse with water.

Do this once or twice a week.

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