Making an effective Stretch Mark oil is one of the tested and Trusted ways to get rid of Stretch Marks. If you tell  majority of ladies having stretch mark to tell you their experience or gist you about their journey so far, what they will say will surprise you. A lot of ladies have spent a lot, I mean huge Money just to get rid of stretch marks. I have seen many posts in many groups I am on Facebook where ladies ask for what they can use to get rid of Stretch Marks. Some ended up buying creams that didn't work for them, some used some home remedies that didn't work for them. Some were unable to get rid of their Stretch Mark Because they bought fake products, some didn't follow the procedures, some just followed their own method and mixed what they are not meant to mix and some followed the procedures well but their stretch was stubborn. Some saw changes as their stretch marks faded slowly.

In today's Tutorial, I will show you how to make an effective Stretch Mark oil, if you have stretch marks you can use this oil to get rid of it and if you don't have stretch marks, you can make it and sell it or give it to those that need it.  

What are the things you need to get to be able to make this oil?

You need to get:

1 tablespoon of VIT E oil

1 tablespoon of python fat oil ( the oil not the fat) 

1 drop tea tree essential oil

2 tablespoon of  Shalom stretch marks oil (You can use Shalom or buy any one you prefer)

Pinch of miracle powder

1 tablespoon of coconut oil 

1 tablespoon of schenic

3 drops lavender repair essence (oil) 

1 tablespoon Argan oil

1 tablespoon collagen liquid extract 

1 tablespoon of AloeVera gel (optional, but it is better if you use it) 

Then get:

3 drops of  Preservative. You are using preservative if you want to keep it for a long period.


Now, let's get started with the Procedures: 

When making the stretch marks oil, the first thing you need to do is to get a clean bowl and add 2 tablespoon of shalom stretch mark oil 

After carrying out the first step, add 3 drops of lavender essence and stir

Then you need to add a pinch of miracle powder and also stir it after adding

Now, Add 1 drop of your tea tree essential oil and stir it again

Add 1 tablespoon of argan oil and stir

Add 1 tablespoon of collagen liquid extract and stir 

 Add 1 tablespoon of schenic and stir 

Add 1 tablespoon of coconut oil and stir 

Add 1 tablespoon of python fat oil 

 Add 1 tablespoon of Vitamin E oil 

Add your 1 tablespoon of aloevera gel and stir until you discover that already have a uniform mixture.

After having this, you can now add the Preservative you bought and After adding it, make sure you stir.

After doing all this, I am glad to tell you that your stretch marks oil is ready.

I won't just tell you how to make the oil without telling you how to use it.

Now, let's look at how to use the stretch marks oil so that it can perfectly work for you.


When you want to use the oil, make sure you massage the affected area (where you have that stretch marks) with this oil.

When should I use it? 

Use it in the morning and night after shower each day.

After using this oil when will I see changes? 

You will surely see a clear change starting  from 2 weeks of using it. Your stretch mark is going permanently!

You can continue to use it for one month and you won't see the stretch marks again.

Yours can  even go completely before a month.

Thanks for reading

Photo source: internet