How to permanently get rid of Rats, Ants, Cockroach and White ants at home with these easy steps

 A lot of people have been looking for how to get rid of rat, ants and white ants in their house. Some do not know what to use that is why they have not taken any step.

In today's Tutorial, I will show you how to get rid of them in your house. 

If you want get rid of white ants you can use salt with detergent and kerosene. This has been tested to work and to help in getting rid of white ants. 

If you want to get rid of rats then you should use salts with detergent and add food to it. You know that one of the ways people set trap for rat is by using food. If you want to do this, add salt and Detergent to it before putting it where you want to put it. If you notice that there is a particular place that rat can't do without going there or there are many places where you notice or always see rat you can put it there. 

And finally, if you want to get rid of ants in your house, you can use salt with detergent and water. If you want to do this, spray it where you always see ants. 

I know that some people might be looking for ways to get rid of cockroach too. If it is cockroach that is disturbing you and you want to get rid of them just follow what I wrote for ants which is the last home remedy. Use it for cockroach too and it will work. What i am trying to say is that you should use salt with detergent and water to get rid of cockroach

I hope you learnt something today, feel free to check my previous post. I have posted a lot of home remedies.

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