Do you have itchy scalp?

Boil water and add a few neam leaves.

After doing that, wait till the water changes colour.

Allow the water to cool down a bit.

Now, wash your hair with it.

Tested and trusted👍

  Ginger is  also a very useful remedy, just wash and peel 3 to 4 ginger, grate it and extract the juice and add  two tablespoon of honey, mix thoroughly and apply the ginger-honey mixture to your hair and scalp, leave it in for 18-20 minutes and wash it off with a mild shampoo.

 Baking Soda

   Make a paste with baking soda and water and apply it directly onto your scalp. For best results, rub some olive oil on your scalp before applying the baking soda paste.Allow it to soak into your scalp for 10 to 15 minutes and then rinse well with water.

  Mash two bananas and mix them together with one ripe avocado.
Apply this mixture to your scalp
Allow it to sit for half an hour and then rinse thoroughly.

Get rid of dandruff very fast with  Aloe vera gel.


Rub the gel directly into the scalp till the dandruff is gone

 Tested and trusted!!!

You can also use Ginger to remove dandruff:

Take a piece of ginger and grate/crush it. After grating, squeeze enough juice from the lump and Make a mixture with the ginger juice: two tablespoon of lemon juice and one tablespoon of honey oil.

Thisis a wonderful and powerful  mixture to remove dandruff from your hair.
Massage  it in your scalp and after 43- 45 minutes you will see wonders.

Thanks for reading!

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