Usefulness of Miracle Leaf (Yoruba Name:- Ewé Àbámodá)

 Multi - Usefulness of Miracle Leaf (Yoruba Name:- Ewé Àbámodá)

Life plant, miracle leaf, air plant, cathedral leaf all refer to the same plant called bryophyllum pinnatum

This wonder plant has all these names because of the wonders that it bears encapsulated in every part of the plant. It is a succulent plant that grows in warm temperate zones. It has many functions in the treatment and management of s!ckness or diseases.

Under listed are some of the wonders the leave can perform when used appropriately against sickne$$es.

   This leave is called ABAMODA in yoruba. Bryophyllum leaf in English language,it's good for cough,as in it cure dry cough.

Pluck d leave, place it on hot surface for like 1mins,then remove squeeze out d water,thats all u need n drink.

For the ear infection place leaf on hot surface to make it soft then squeeze two drops into the ear for 3 to 4 days. 

For yeast infecti0n boil two leaves with a glass of water take half a glass morning and the other half in the evening for 7days. As shared on fb. 

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