I wish I knew this before!!! Wow!!
Trending fb post says: Don't throw away leftover soap! See different comment of what can be done with it
I put my soap sraps in the
toilet tank , so every time I flush it, it cleanses the
toilet bowl.
Yes I soak them together and den make it into one soap den use it for washing hands after toilet rather to use another new soap and it effective to remove grease or stain your under wear l.
I put mine in the soap dish to get soft then I mashed it in the 🧽sponge. Easy Way to use that left over 🧼soap. Thank you
I crash them into powder like,then disolve the powder in a bottle with water and make liquid soap called soap gel.
Secondly, grate them, boil the mixture , add a pinch of salt,
Pour in container and let it cool.
You have successfully made your dish washing detergent
I keep them in a container and pour hot water in them,once the pieces are wet the will combine together and make one soap...put it in try area (sun) to try and use it again
Grate them ,boil put in round muffin tray leave it to dry Boom new blocks with new shape
I grate them with that finest side of grater, wow it become powdered soap n works wonders,foaming more than this brands we are buying so expensive, but it make a lot of white water meaning u have to rinse thoroughly.
Yeah you can mix them together and mold it will become another full soap
Thank me naa
I put them in the soap dish at the sink to wash hands after using the toilet