DO THIS If you are battling with head lice

If you  are battling with head lice, please do not apply h@rmful chemicals on your skull in a bid to eliminate the lice, your body can absorb those chemicals and you can't be sure how your system would react to them.

Use this simple and straightforward process, three ingredients;

Blend the clove and the ginger with a little water, remove the blended items and place inside a bowl, add a cup of water to the mixture. 
Cover and keep the mixture of water, cloves and ginger for three days to allow it infuse properly.

On the third day, take the mixture to your bathroom and pour on your hair and scalp, put on a shower cap and wait for 30mins to one hour, by now your hair must have been completely dried with the mixture. Comb out your hair and see the dead lice falling off one after the other, not even their eggs will survive that. Rinse your hair with your shampoo and conditioner and you are good to go.

Alternatively in place of water, you can infuse the grinded cloves and ginger in olive or almond oil if you are making it for commercial purposes. You can brand and sell this to anyone with your full chest. For preservation use liquid germal plus.(it can be found in any chemical shop).

As shared on Facebook. 
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