Let this be your monthly practice before and after menses.


In today's article I am going to expose you to things you need to know on CLEANING YOUR V@G IN A AFTER MENSTRUATING.

Some ladies don't know how to take care of their vagina. They don't know the DO'S AND DON'TS.

  I am glad you are reading this post as this article is truly an eye opener. 

To make sure your vagina is healthy and free from infection, follow these tips on how to take care of your vagina. 

When you are done with your period for the month, you should get rid of any spotting blood or vaginal discharge. This will help you avoid any vaginal infections.

More tips to help you: 
As a lady, you need to keep your vagina clean. You should wash your vagina with normal water at least more than once, in a day. 

When you use the toilet, you might perceive odour so Make sure you use Clean water.

Some ladies wash their V spot with soap to make it look neat and to prevent Odour. Some even spray perfume on their Vagina just to make it smell nice. Please, stop it! Stop it now. 

 Making use of soaps will only irritate that spot and cause you problems.
Your Vagina doesn’t need perfume to smell good.  Don’t spray perfume around your VAGINA.

Another thing is Leaving Too Much Hair Around The Vagina: A lot of ladies are guilty of this. It Is Not good.  You should try to shave it  and  make it clean.

You need to know that when you leave hair around it, The hair is part of what brings out Odour. For those that don't like shaving everything for reasons known to them, you can trim it very low.

Ladies, please change your underpants. Some ladies  wear one underpant for the whole day or even two but for health reasons pls change your underpants at least twice  a day to prevent odour.

Another important thing is that most ladies notice bad odour during period. When you are on your period, make sure you change your pad at least every four hours. You can take note of the time you wore it, take note of the last time you changed it. You can also set alarm to remind you. Wearing pad for too long without changing it causes bad Odour. 
If you have been wondering why you have bad odour especially during your period then you should think of your pad. 
Change it every four hours and you will surprised that the odour has gone. 

To prevent Odour during your period, try to wash your vulva  twice a day and please, don't use soap.  Don't use spray and perfume. 

And if you notice that you always sweat during your period, try to wear underwear made of natural fabrics.

You need to know that The longer they stay, the faster the bacteria on them will breed, causing potential infections.


This article is truly an eye opener! Ladies will really learn a lot. Let me just give you an hint. Did you know that Taking yoghurt helps in preventing vagina infections and It also helps to eliminate the bad odour from the vagina? Read to the end. 

A lot of ladies don't know this. They will learn after reading this post. Yoghurt is very good for women. We all know that yoghurt is nutritious and good for your body but did you know that It helps your Vagina? Yes. It helps your Vagina. 

Taking yoghurt helps in preventing v@gi na infections like candida. It also helps to eliminate the bad odour from the v@ gi na.

 Another wonderful benefit is that it is very good for your face and skin as it is full of calcium, vitamin B and lactic acid. 

When you take yoghurt, it is as good as applying it to the skin. Yes, it will make your skin glow, it will also help you to fight ageing and help you to remove wrinkles from your face.

Glad you

 learnt something new

As a lady, you need to keep your vagina clean. You should wash your vagina with normal water at least more than once, in a day. 

When you use the toilet, you might perceive odour so Make sure you use Clean water.

Some ladies wash their V spot with soap to make it look neat and to prevent Odour. Some even spray perfume on their Vagina just to make it smell nice. Please, stop it! Stop it now. 

 Making use of soaps will only irritate that spot and cause you problems.

Your Vagina doesn’t need perfume to smell good. Don’t spray perfume around your VAGINA.

Another thing is Leaving Too Much Hair Around The Vagina: A lot of ladies are guilty of this. It Is Not good. You should try to shave it and make it clean.

You need to know that when you leave hair around it, The hair is part of what brings out Odour. For those that don't like shaving everything for reasons known to them, you can trim it very low.

Ladies, please change your underpants. Some ladies wear one underpant for the whole day or even two but for health reasons pls change your underpants at least twice a day to prevent odour.

Another important thing is that most ladies notice bad odour during period. When you are on your period, make sure you change your pad at least every four hours. You can take note of the time you wore it, take note of the last time you changed it. You can also set alarm to remind you. Wearing pad for too long without changing it causes bad Odour. 

If you have been wondering why you have bad odour especially during your period then you should think of your pad. 

Change it every four hours and you will surprised that the odour has gone. 

To prevent Odour during your period, try to wash your vulva twice a day and please, don't use soap. Don't use spray and perfume. 

And if you notice that you always sweat during your period, try to wear underwear made of natural fabrics.

You need to know that The longer they stay, the faster the bacteria on them will breed, causing potential infections.


Say Goodbye to Menstrual Pain: are you the type that is always having menstrual pain or you know someone that always have menstrual pain? Read this article and you will be glad you have found solution. please follow these steps below: This is something you can do yourself at home


With Ginger, you can say goodbye to menstrual pain. 

All you need to do is to 

Cut a small piece of ginger

Put it in a cup of water and then boil it for about 5 minutes

After boiling, strain it

Add some honey or lemon juice if you want

Drink this tea three times a day during the menstrual period

You also add ginger in your meals when you cook.


Do you want to learn how to get rid of Toilet infection? Or you know someone that has it? This article is for you.

Get some unripe lemon/lime.



Extract the juice from your lemon/lime and put it in a spray bottle.

* use it the same way you use disinfectant for your toilet.

Note: Always use it when you have a visitor who used your toilet.

Always take it along when you travel or go out, you might need to use a public toilet and you know how some public toilet can be. Prevention is better than cure.

Put it in a small bottle and out it your travelling bag or hand bag

Remember to use it when you enter public toilet.

And again when you are washing your toilet , sprinkle some salt or baking soda around your toilet bowl. Yes, do this.

*Wear a cleaning gloves and use the flesh side of the half lime to scrub beneath the rim and the area where the water reaches and always use the toilet brush to scrub thoroughly and deeper into the bowl.

Yes, do this

Add baking soda to the lime to get effective White results.



* Teem soft drink....One bottle

 *Bitter kola (2)


*peel your bitter kola

*Put your bitter kola inside the Teem drink you bought.

*Soak it for three days.

Drink it on the third day in the morning and you will give thanks.

Note:If the symptoms persists, repeat the same process until the infection is gone.


After doing this, u have your assurance

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