Do you still spread your pants outside? Read this immediately


This article you are about to read is truly an eye opener! 

Avoid fungal and bacterial growth !!!!

As we all know that one of the private things is our pants which is why people protect it a lot. As we protect our pants, we need to understand that we are to give it the right care it needs. When you spread your pants outside where there is sun allows the sun rays sterilise the pants and remove all the moisture that would have been there if dried indoors. If panties are left indoors, the moist atmosphere in the bedroom and bathroom allow for microorganisms such as fungi to breed on them which may in turn affect the person wearing them. 

A lot of people don't know how to take care of their pants and some have been doing it the wrong way. To take good care of your pants, you should soak your pants with a nice perfumed detergent before washing it. Why? Doing so will assist in removing the stains and it will make it very easy for you to wash it. 

Another thing you should take note is that you should stop mixing your coloured pants with your plain coloured pants, they should be washed separately so as to preserve their colour and life span. 

Another important thing you should know is that you should try to change your pants. Don't wear it for several years before changing it. Don't wait for it to tear everywhere before you finally leave it. Don't wait for it to Change colour or fade before you leave it.  Your pants should be treated specially. You should change your pants every three months and make sure you always store your pants well.

Glad you learnt something today

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