NO MATTER HOW STUBBORN YOUR STRETCH MARK IS, Once you use this home remedy it will fade.

 NO MATTER HOW STUBBORN YOUR STRETCH MARK IS, Once you use this home remedy it will fade.

One of the things ladies dislike is stretch marks. A lot of people have gotten expensive products just to get rid of their Stretch Mark but the products disappointed them. Some products reduced the stretch Marks and some stretch marks later came back days after.

Have you heard of home remedies?

 Home remedies have been tried, tested and Trusted to help in getting rid of stretch marks, pimples, dark spots etc that is why a lot of people now use it.

In today's tutorial on our blog, we will show you how to get rid of stretch marks using home remedies.

 No matter the kind of stretch marks you have it will help you. Is it stretch marks caused by pregnancy?  Or stretch mark caused as a result of using cream?

 hereditary stretch marks?  weight loss/ weight gain?

What I am about to teach you will help you.

What are the benefit of using it?

* It will help you  to  nourish the skin and also fade your stretch mark.


You need:

1/4 Raw black soap

50 ml Olive oil

50 ml Coconut oil

50g Cocoa butter

50 ml Vit E oil

50g Tumeric powder

Fragrance (optional)

Step by step instruction:

1. Melt your schedule butter & cocoa butter until throughly melted.

2. Cut your raw soap into pieces and pour in a clean mortar.

3. Add your oils and mix throughly.

4. Add your powder and mix again.

5. Store in a clean jar to cure.

Make the soap, try it and use it. After  trying it,  send  the result.

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