How to make custard powder at home for beginners

 Welcome to another tutorial! 

Today I will be showing you an easy and fast way to make custard powder at home. Where are my custard Lovers? 

With just few and cheap ingredients, you will be making yours at home which can take at anytime without spending huge money on it. 

You will just be needing the following ingredients which is 4 cups of corn starch flour, 1tbsp banana flavour, 1tbsp vanilla flavour, 1tsp sugar, 1/3 tsp salt - optional. You will Also make use of 4 egg Yolk (which is the yellow) or make use of 4tbsp egg Yolk powder. 

Now that you know the ingredients, let's proceed to the step by step instructions. The first thing to do is to Add corn starch flour in a bowl. After doing that, the next step is to Add banana flavour and vanilla flavour. Now, Add sugar and salt, Add egg yolk. After adding all these,you can now mix them very well. 

The next stage is to Pour in a flat wide big tray, allow to dry , sieve and scoop into a dry container and cover. 

To get preservative, ask the seller at the bakery store where you will be buying your ingredients.

Glad you learnt something. Feel free to check more Tutorials here. 

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