Get rid of unwanted marks with this

 In this tutorial, I will show you how to get rid of all these unwanted marks on your body like tribal marks etc. All you need to do is to prepare this thing I am about to show you. To make it, get 2tsp lavender oil, 3tsp raw honey, 2tsp cold pressed extra virgin coconut oil, 3tsp cocoa butter, 1/5 tsp olive oil.

Now let's move to the explanatory instructions on how to prepare it.  The first thing you need to do is to Melt the cocoa butter, coconut oil & olive oil in a double boiler.

After doing that, the next stage is to remove after it has all been melted. After doing that, you need to Add your honey & lavander oil to it and then mix very well.

Leave it to cool and put in the fringe for 14 to 20 minutes. Use it morning and evening on The affected area. Glad you learnt something.

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