If you know that your hair is always dry and dull then this post is for you. You will make a new hairstyle and it won't be obvious, it will just be looking as if you have done the hair for long. You will make hairstyles like stitch braids and people will just be wondering if you actually did stitch braids. Stitch braids is always beautiful. There are some  hairstyles that if you  have a dull or dry hair people won't even admire it. 

Worry no more, the solution to dry and dull hair is here. Try this home remedy and you will be glad you did. The way your hair will look good ehn,  if you tell those that you just met that your hair was once dry, they won't believe.

Get the following: They are the things you will need: 

 ¼ cup Aloe Vera Gel

 Black soap

¼ cup distilled water or Boiled water

1 tsp vegetable glycerine

½ tsp Vitamin E oil

7 drops extra virgin oil.

STEP BY STEP PROCEDURE: Follow the procedures below. 

The first thing you need to do is to break or grate the black soap bar into pieces and place into large mixing bowl.

After doing this, you need to bring your water to a boil. Then 

remove water from the heat and pour it over the soap in your bowl.

After doing the above step, slowly stir it.

After doing the above step, allow   the mixture to  sit until you discover that it is completely  melted.

After that, you need to turn off the heat of the  stove  and  allow the mixture cool to room temperature.

After that, mix  the Aloe Vera gel, vegetable glycerine and Vitamin oil you bought in the given quantities in the measuring cup.

Check the quantities above. I mentioned the quantities when mentioning the ingredients. 

Then the next step is that you need to 

mix all the  ingredients together now. 

Please, make sure you mix it very well. 

After you have made sure that it is well mixed, you can now pour 1/4 cup of dissolved soap into this mixture.

After doing that,  blend it again to make sure that it smooth. 

After it has become smooth, you can now add your olive oil to it and combine it again. 

 After that stage, you need to now pour the shampoo into shampoo can

It is now ready for use💃💃💃💃

 Say Goodbye to dry and dull hair from today!

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